Our Mark
Branding is a sign of the maker, a distinctive mark that is unique to the maker. A maker’s mark identifies the self and speaks from the soul of the craftsman. If you put your heart into a piece, then your work is deserving of a mark. And it doesn’t really matter if the piece has hand-cut dovetails or crude joinery. Skill level is irrelevant; this is more about passion than production.
If you are the kind of maker that feels a sense of loss when a piece is gone, or if you are the type of maker that eyes the piece with admiration when it is complete, then a mark is not only appropriate but a necessity. While it is expected that the mark of a maker is unique to the maker, it is our desire that this maker’s mark identifies them with a community of makers that are committed to bringing good to those around them.
Each of the four projects will be branded with the Soulcraft Maker’s Mark and they will sign their name next to it. Once a maker has completed all four projects, they will be given their own branding iron with the same mark to use for anything they build in the future. Imagine generations of Soulcraft Makers who will leave their mark on this world and bring good to it through their craftsmanship.
Imagery in the Mark: Beyond the obvious connection between a tree and woodworking, the tree here depicts the soul that’s being engaged by craft. We tend to feel more alive when we make things especially when we make things good. The leaves represent the first four projects each maker will complete in the shop.